
plead guilty

plead guilty
i know you not, and never will
but i stole the diamond
you held preciously
in your dreaming hands
and now it's gone
precious is lost
and my handy dreams
powerless in effect
slap me hard in the face
so i remember, and plead guilty
and apologise for my sins
for blowing away a candle
in your darkest dream
to make my hollow dream shine



it bothers me so much
that we're all dependent
on this little shrinking block
of foamy chemical fragrance
bubbling our odours away
that we're all slaves
to our sense of smell
attached to this nothing
of flower parfum aroma
this fuzz disappearing
down unexplored drains
little by little by little



think too much, think too little
watch the sky and try to forget
the sun outside helps not
with the darkness inside
and why must it be
that the inside cannot be lit
like before, like on the beach
trouble fading with waves
salty waves suck my skin
carrying my trouble to break
on someone else's shores



and the world doesn't want me
in the future it prefers my absence
and i want the world for one
one soul one journey one child
and when the world wanted me
it wasn't me at all; or was it
was it me, at least for one
one smile one change one choice
if both are true it's meaningless
but if one is true the other must
so i try to reconcile with the world



you’ve never seen it
your hair in the sunlight
it’s too tempting
to reach out and grab
these brown strands
glowing with life inside
but then you can see them
in photographs
but can’t reach them
which is how I feel right now


picture and words

picture and words

i'm daydreaming
of letters
with tiny french stamps
and symmetric flowers
i'm daydreaming
of leaves hanging over walls
of summer and spring
monsoon in between
a red umbrella
sunny days
rainy afternoons
empty paintings
with people removed
surround my delirium
but daydreaming ends
and normalcy takes over


insect dream

insect dream
if only i could do it again
i'd go shopping for blankets
watching funny people
selling funny objects
for funny money
and then i'd think about
growing butterfilies
for the rest of my life
taking precious care
of nature's insects
that don't think
about icecream
or red blankets
without worries
living like a butterfly


the distance

the distance

when did it come to this
and how, i know not
but the distance grows
wish i could hold it static
or better, make it shrink

two sides of a coin
always have different expectations
when time spins them around
and the distance could
reconcile the two, but it doesn't

and it skews our thoughts
and our impressions, projections
shattering the two become one
theory, is the purpose of distance
and it's so unnecessary

if we could convert this
to some sort of evolution
watching the trees grow
higher, cracking open the clouds,
the gray clouds hang over



mo money is incentive
placating discontent
keeping it out of the system
growing in harmony
but growing negative
in thoughts and actions
permission precedes conquest
strategy at war with itself
presented on a blackboard
black blending into gray
and money goes haywire
scandals and hackers
made for each other
unfurling chaotic tongues
on mo and mo and mo
and without mo we live
here in our caves quiet
affecting not a single decimal
or bureaucratic loophole
same old same old
night and day


krazy komedy

krazy komedy
had a funny experience
jogging with folks
who think they're fit
showed them bit by bit
that all you need is wit
and a healthy heart
relieve stress with a work out
i laugh at the fact
that you get stressed
in the first place
misguided morons